Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Night's Revenge!

Revenge is a beautiful thing in every way, shape and form. When its spiteful. When it's funny and even when it's sad. You might think I am wrong for saying this but I will always be honest with you. I have this friend named Rob and the other day he lied to me. When I say friend I literally mean friend nothing more. I just want to clarify because you know how people think. Well he decided to lie about someones whereabouts when I had already spoken to the person he was lying for or about. Last night I was able to get him back and it was in the funniest way. It was around midnight and I took the keys from his roommate and went into his room with my friend. Now Rob lives with two boys and lets just say there are a few rumors about him that hint around him being a tambourine player. If you know what I mean. Well we both sit on his bed and he scoots over to make room. Weird? You decide for yourself! We then begin to slowly and softly stroke his back. He then begins to grumble. Does not wake up and does not move just groans. I then lift up his shirt and rub his back and still he does not wake up. My friend begins to rub his back and now he is moaning! MOANING! I am talking full on bow wow chika wow wow porn star moaning. Moving is head making himself more and more comfortable. Now just keep this in mind. It is after midnight the door is locked and when he went to sleep he was by himself. When two people sit on his bed he does not jump up he moans and groans. LOL! I took it upon myself to inform members of the soccer team which he is apart of! Today will be a good day! Remember do not ever lie to me. This was only his first offense next time it will be even worse!


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